Ding Kaijun -- "Excellent Party Worker" in New Station District in 2020 and "Excellent Party Worker" in 2019-2020

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2022-05-12Number of views:329

Ding Kaijun,Male, AnhuiFunan people,Born in October 1987, he is a national level human resource manager, career counselor and national Level Two psychological counselor。Since August 2009, he has been the secretary of the Youth League Branch of the School of Continuing Education and the member of the Party Branch of the School of Environment and Chemical Engineering。He is currently secretary of the Student Party Branch of the College of Environment and Chemical Engineering and a full-time counselor。

丁凯俊同志始终坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,对党忠诚,不断增强"Four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", achieve "two maintenance", resolutely maintain "two establishment"。The comrade loves the cause of education, loves the work of the party, adheres to the principle and is down-to-earth, always takes "moral cultivation" as the fundamental task, adheres to the concept of "three full education", actively explores new methods and new ways of grass-roots party affairs under the new situation, and constantly promotes the characteristic construction of grass-roots Party branch work。Led the Party branch to win the honorary title of "Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization" in 2015-2016, 2017-2018 and 2019-2020。

Since August 2009,The comrade has been working as a counselor for 13 years,Actively implement the work concept of counselors "should do well, deserve to do well, must do well",Work hard and give selflessly in ideological and political education at the grassroots level of the school,With a high sense of responsibility and a strong sense of professionalism, we conscientiously perform our duties and strive for success,Led the class to win the honorary title of "Advanced Class" and "May Fourth Red Flag League Branch" for 13 consecutive years。From September 2017 to July 2021, he worked as a chemical engineering and technology professional counselor for the four-year undergraduate program in 2017,In the 2021 National graduate Entrance examination,The class has 22 students,19 students were admitted (8 were admitted by "double first-class" universities),The highest graduate admission rate in the school's history。

Comrade Ding Kaijun has been awarded2018-2019 "Excellent Communist Party Member",2011-2012, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2019-2020 "Excellent Party Affairs Worker",2017-2020 "Excellent Party Affairs Worker" in Xinzhan District, Hefei City,The third prize of the school's "Instructor Skills Contest" in 2014,2019 Anhui Province "Three Full Education - Excellent Full-time Counselor",2020 The school "employment work advanced individual" and other honorary titles。